The American Heist from Houston is my kind of band. They’re definitely firmly planted in their punk-as-fuck roots, but they also aren’t afraid to borrow from folk music traditions. They remind me a lot of Hudson Falcons, but with slightly harsher vocals. From the maroon vinyl and super cool bank robbery cover art on down, this LP is a labor of love. There’s no heist going on here, as these guys are doing all of us a favor by putting out a record. You can line up seven of your average dwarf oi bands and six would be called “dopey.” The last band standing is called The American Heist. –Art Ettinger (RAZORCAKE)
Street punk meets the Confederacy Of Scum meets LEATHERFACE whilst all attending a BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN concert. This is solid, it sounds like a brick wall and looks like a brick wall. A big beefy, pumped up sound, matched by killer hooks, gruff heartfelt vocals and some serious rock'n'roll riffage not seen since the much missed GC5. It should sound cheesy, but somehow, maybe due to the sheer honesty and non-contrived toughness, it comes out 100% authentic. Straight to the point lyrics dealing with war, street life and growing up, almost taking a leaf out of the STEVE EARLE hard knock school of writing. Fuck Oi!, this is the real thing. Brilliant. -Sean Dougan (MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL)
A.D.D. Generation: 7”
You might remember this band from their split with Something Fierce last year. The Hangouts are a mid-tempo punk band from this college station Texas with a female-fronted vocalist who takes major cues from Cherie Currie, Debbie Harry, and Dinah Cancer, but, at the same time, doesn’t sound exactly like any of them. Musically, the band is taking a page out of the Ramones sound book, pure and simple. There are six songs here, with the title track being the obvious standout. –Mark Twistworthy (RAZORCAKE)
Invades the USA: 7”
I’m not the biggest fan of live recordings, but this is one of those exceptions. People not in the know, Rattus is one of Finland’s famous original punk bands. They formed in 1978 but became world renown during the international punk explosion of the early ‘80s. These songs were recorded live on a radio show on WFMU in New Jersey back in 2004. If I remember correctly, this tour was only routed through the East Coast. It’s five songs of classic Finnish punk rock that is very distinctive in sound. It’s a good starting point if you don’t want to pay collector prices on some of their original releases. It’s also a nice addition to the collector who has it all. Co-release with Psycho Wolf, Motorchest, and Cutthroat. –Donofthedead (RAZORCAKE)
Deceiver: LP
The Wrong Ones play fairly strong, catchy, hard-rockin’ punk that reminds me of that first Catheters LP from about a decade ago. The inference being that there is a whole lotta Dead Boys style action to be found on this full length album. Not as glam punky as I hoped from the band photo/album cover, but a good record nonetheless. The band is from Houston and may have an Urgencies member in the ranks. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing what the Wrong Ones come up with in the future. –Mike Frame (RAZORCAKE)
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
NASTIES, THE - "...Teenagers Bored" (Mortville) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
NECKTIES, THE - "Skating With A Boner" (Secret) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
NEEDLES, THE - "Captain America" (Regal Beegle) $6 ppd/ $9 ppd WORLD
NEON MANIACS - "Nothing's Safe" b/w "She's A Bot" (Puke N Vomit) $7 ppd/ $10 WORLD
NEON NAZIS/ THE HIPS split 7" (Going Underground) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
NEW CITY ROCKS - "Milano 2000" (Barracuda) $7 ppd/ $10 WORLD
NIGHTSTICK JUSTICE - "Claustrophobic" (Grave Mistake) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
NO WHITE RAG - "Da Che Parte Stai?" (Pure Punk) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
NOVELTIES, THE - s/t (Ken Rock) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
OPEN CASKET, THE/ SCRABBLE ROBOT split 7" (Mortville) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
OTOPHOBIA - "Source Of Confusion" (Burrito) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
PALLBEARERS, THE - "Drinkin' With The Dead" (Transparent) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
PARKINSONS, THE - "Up For Sale" (Wrench) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
PATH OF DESTRUCTION - "1:00 A.M." (Havoc) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
PEAWEES/ THE NORMA JEANS split 7" (?) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
PEDESTRIANS - "Killing Season" (Residue) $6 ppd/ $9 ppd WORLD
PEGS, THE - "Livin' At The Surf Motel" (No Front Teeth) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
PERVZ, THE - s/t (Wood Shampoo) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
PRIMATES - "El Camino De La Obediencia" (Hysterical) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
PROTESTANT/ GET RAD split 7" (Barbarian) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
PUFFBALL - "Outlaw" (Stereodrive!) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
PUMPERS, THE - s/t (Wall Ride) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
RACE AGAINST TIME/ REASON OF INSANITY split 7" (Burrito) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
RACE AGAINST TIME - "Depths Of The Antbed" (Burrito) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
RADIO BIRDMAN - "Hungry Cannibals" b/w "Rock Bottom" (Steel Cage) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
RAMPANT DECAY/ INSULT split 7" (Rat Town) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
RANDUMBS, THE/ DEAD TREE split 7" (Coolskin) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
RANCID HELL SPAWN - "Teenage Lard" (Wrench) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
REASON OF INSANITY/ OTOPHOBIA split 7" (Burrito) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
REASON OF INSANITY/ BREAD & WATER split 7" (Burrito) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
REASON OF INSANITY - "Live 09/30/04 On WFMU" (Cowabunga) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
REASON TO FIGHT/ THE 86ed split 7" (United Riot) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
RED FLAG 77 - "Moving On Top" (Dirty Punk) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
RED WITH ANGER/ SKRACK split 7" $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
RED WITH ANGER/ METASYSTOX split 7" $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
RELEASED ANGER- "Virus" b/w "Fake Existence" (Athens Thrash Attack) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
RETCHING RED - s/t (Overdose On Records) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
REVILERS - "Stand Or Fall" (Patac) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
REVILERS - "Isolation" (Patac) $6 ppd US/ $9 pps WORLD
RIC RHYTHM & THE REVENGERS- "Free Love/Free Guns" (Shit In Can)$7 ppd US/$10 ppd WORLD
RINGWORM - "7 Inches The Hard Way" (Rat Town) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
RITCHIE WHITES, THE - "Stop Me Before I Kill Again" (Rapid Pulse) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
RITCHIE WHITES, THE- "Mark Penner Murdered Tyrone Childs" (Pelado) $7 ppd US/$10 ppd WORLD
ROCKET 69/ DION BLADE split 7" (Rockin' House) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
ROMEO'S DEAD/ THE BURDENS split 7" (Pelado) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
ROTTEN BOI!S/ THE TWINKLES split 7" (Pure Punk) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
SABOTEURS - s/t (Going Underground) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
SAVIOURS, THE - "Ruby Gloom" b/w "Recipe For Disaster" (Rapid Pulse) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
SEVERANCE PACKAGE/ STREET EATERS split 7" (Lost Cat) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
SHITTY LIMITS, THE - "Yesterdays Heroes" (Motorchest) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
SHOWOFFS, THE - s/t (Noma Beach) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
SHOP FRONTS - s/t (Rapid Pulse) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
SICK E'S - s/t (Going Underground) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
SLEAZIES, THE - "Gonna Operate On Myself" (Rapid Pulse) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
SILVER COCKS - "Holiday In Auschwitz" (Zodiac Killer) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
NECKTIES, THE - "Skating With A Boner" (Secret) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
NEEDLES, THE - "Captain America" (Regal Beegle) $6 ppd/ $9 ppd WORLD
NEON MANIACS - "Nothing's Safe" b/w "She's A Bot" (Puke N Vomit) $7 ppd/ $10 WORLD
NEON NAZIS/ THE HIPS split 7" (Going Underground) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
NEW CITY ROCKS - "Milano 2000" (Barracuda) $7 ppd/ $10 WORLD
NIGHTSTICK JUSTICE - "Claustrophobic" (Grave Mistake) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
NO WHITE RAG - "Da Che Parte Stai?" (Pure Punk) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
NOVELTIES, THE - s/t (Ken Rock) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
OPEN CASKET, THE/ SCRABBLE ROBOT split 7" (Mortville) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
OTOPHOBIA - "Source Of Confusion" (Burrito) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
PALLBEARERS, THE - "Drinkin' With The Dead" (Transparent) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
PARKINSONS, THE - "Up For Sale" (Wrench) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
PATH OF DESTRUCTION - "1:00 A.M." (Havoc) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
PEAWEES/ THE NORMA JEANS split 7" (?) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
PEDESTRIANS - "Killing Season" (Residue) $6 ppd/ $9 ppd WORLD
PEGS, THE - "Livin' At The Surf Motel" (No Front Teeth) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
PERVZ, THE - s/t (Wood Shampoo) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
PRIMATES - "El Camino De La Obediencia" (Hysterical) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
PROTESTANT/ GET RAD split 7" (Barbarian) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
PUFFBALL - "Outlaw" (Stereodrive!) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
PUMPERS, THE - s/t (Wall Ride) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
RACE AGAINST TIME/ REASON OF INSANITY split 7" (Burrito) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
RACE AGAINST TIME - "Depths Of The Antbed" (Burrito) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
RADIO BIRDMAN - "Hungry Cannibals" b/w "Rock Bottom" (Steel Cage) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
RAMPANT DECAY/ INSULT split 7" (Rat Town) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
RANDUMBS, THE/ DEAD TREE split 7" (Coolskin) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
RANCID HELL SPAWN - "Teenage Lard" (Wrench) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
REASON OF INSANITY/ OTOPHOBIA split 7" (Burrito) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
REASON OF INSANITY/ BREAD & WATER split 7" (Burrito) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
REASON OF INSANITY - "Live 09/30/04 On WFMU" (Cowabunga) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
REASON TO FIGHT/ THE 86ed split 7" (United Riot) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
RED FLAG 77 - "Moving On Top" (Dirty Punk) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
RED WITH ANGER/ SKRACK split 7" $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
RED WITH ANGER/ METASYSTOX split 7" $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
RELEASED ANGER- "Virus" b/w "Fake Existence" (Athens Thrash Attack) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
RETCHING RED - s/t (Overdose On Records) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
REVILERS - "Stand Or Fall" (Patac) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
REVILERS - "Isolation" (Patac) $6 ppd US/ $9 pps WORLD
RIC RHYTHM & THE REVENGERS- "Free Love/Free Guns" (Shit In Can)$7 ppd US/$10 ppd WORLD
RINGWORM - "7 Inches The Hard Way" (Rat Town) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
RITCHIE WHITES, THE - "Stop Me Before I Kill Again" (Rapid Pulse) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
RITCHIE WHITES, THE- "Mark Penner Murdered Tyrone Childs" (Pelado) $7 ppd US/$10 ppd WORLD
ROCKET 69/ DION BLADE split 7" (Rockin' House) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
ROMEO'S DEAD/ THE BURDENS split 7" (Pelado) $5 ppd US/ $8 ppd WORLD
ROTTEN BOI!S/ THE TWINKLES split 7" (Pure Punk) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
SABOTEURS - s/t (Going Underground) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
SAVIOURS, THE - "Ruby Gloom" b/w "Recipe For Disaster" (Rapid Pulse) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
SEVERANCE PACKAGE/ STREET EATERS split 7" (Lost Cat) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
SHITTY LIMITS, THE - "Yesterdays Heroes" (Motorchest) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
SHOWOFFS, THE - s/t (Noma Beach) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
SHOP FRONTS - s/t (Rapid Pulse) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
SICK E'S - s/t (Going Underground) $7 ppd US/ $10 ppd WORLD
SLEAZIES, THE - "Gonna Operate On Myself" (Rapid Pulse) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
SILVER COCKS - "Holiday In Auschwitz" (Zodiac Killer) $6 ppd US/ $9 ppd WORLD
Friday, June 17, 2011
NO TALK - "Leather Discipline" LP repress on some different color than black. There will probably be around 200 or so. First round sold out in a few days. One of the best records of 2010 in my opinion as well as around 299 more people who own this rager.
THE SECRET PROSTITUTES - "Mati Di Moscow" 7" ep second press, this time at the correct speed! The first press, spearheaded by PTrash Records, was botched since apparently the test press was never listened to. Bad Hair Life Records (Pasadena, TX) co released the 7" with PTrash and also released their magnificent debut LP with a run of 400. This pressing will have different cover artwork and labels.
THE SECRET PROSTITUTES - "Mati Di Moscow" 7" ep second press, this time at the correct speed! The first press, spearheaded by PTrash Records, was botched since apparently the test press was never listened to. Bad Hair Life Records (Pasadena, TX) co released the 7" with PTrash and also released their magnificent debut LP with a run of 400. This pressing will have different cover artwork and labels.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
AVAILABLE RELEASES (pay pal payments to add $.50 per 7" & $1.00 per LP for pay pal fees or send money orders (made out to Cassidy Spell, not Cutthroat Records) or well concealed cash to: Cutthroat Records/ 5711 Hoover St./ Houston, TX 77092/ USA
(CUT-036) THE WRONG ONES - "Deceiver" LP (Side A: "Unemployment Check", "Bad Girl", "Do It All Wrong", "She Makes Me Want To Spit", "Doomsday Transmission"/ Side B: "Demolition", "Bitch, Bitch, Bitch", "Wait A Second, I'm Going To Kill Myself", "Dead Already"
(CUT-034) THE BEXAR COUNTY BASTARDS - "Come And Take It" LP (Side A: "My Baby", "Get Fucked Up", "Little Mama", "W.W.L.D.?"/ Side B: "Annie's Song", "Bexar County Queen", "Hack City", "Suicide"
(CUT-032) WHIPSTRIKER - "Crude Rock 'N' Roll" LP (Side A: "Crude Rock 'N' Roll", "The Excess", "Live For Tonight", "No Rights", "The Life As It Is"/ Side B: "To The Mind", "Out Of Scenary", "Alice Bring Me Back", "Bitch's Grass", "Living Like A Dog") Split release with MORBID TALES, IRON BONEHEAD, DEATHSTRIKE, and BESTIAL INVASION. 666 copies on black vinyl with a foldout poster and insert.
(CUT-030) THE MAHAS - "Dead Of Night" 7" ep (Side A: "Dead Of Night", "Fool"/ Side B: "Ghostshit") Split release with DEATH EXCLAMATIONS RECORDS. 250 copies on black vinyl.
(CUT-29) VENOMOUS MAXIMUS - "Give Up The Witch" b/w "Living Dead" 7". First press of 300 copies: some blue, some purple, some white marble mix. Second press of 50 coming soon.
(CUT-026) LYSOL SS 7" (No track listing.) Split release with DEATH EXCLAMATIONS RECORDS. 150 copies on black vinyl.
(CUT-023) BORN LIARS - "Fast Songs Is All We Know" LP (Side A: "Fractured", "Poverty Check", "Port Authority", "Move Right In", "Find Me In Church", "Zero For Conduct"/ Side B: "Tropical Disease", "Ain't Livin' Today", "Ain't No Crime", "Let Her Go", "Back Where I Belong", *Unlisted Secret Track*) 300 copies on black vinyl with screened covers.
(CUT-019) BLOODY HAMMER - "Apathy Is Bliss" 7" ep (Side A: "I Don't Care", "Hysteria", "Italian Punk", "Certain Death", "Public Enemy"/ Side B: "True Love", "Odio Il Mondo", "God Bless America", "Dead Erection", "Get Up And Go", "Keep Running") 300 copies on purplish gray marble vinyl with download card included. 250 copies with the black and white photo cover and 50 screened copies with different artwork, hand numbered 1-50.
(CUT-018) PRIDE KILLS - "Elvis Party" 7" ep
(CUT-013) THE BORN LIARS - "Ragged Island" LP
(CUT-008) PAT TODD & THE RANKOUTSIDERS 7" ep (Side A: "Don't Worry 'bout Me Baby"/ Side B: "Idle Time") 500 copies on gray marble vinyl.
(CUT-007) THE DRUNKS - "Speed Metal Blues" 7" ep (Side A: "Death Dealer"/ Side B: "Heavy Metal Cocaine Blues") 500 copies on purple gray marble vinyl, 3 copies on maroon marble vinyl.
(CUT-006) RATTUS - "Invades The USA - Live 9/30/04 On WFMU N.J." 7" ep (Side A: "Sodan Tragedia", "Taalta Tullaan Kuolema", "Will Evil Win?"/ Side B: Jos Ie Olis Armeijoita", "Reaganin Joululahja") Split release with DEATH EXCLAMATIONS, MOTORCHEST, & PSYCHO WOLF. 800 copies on black vinyl, 200 copies on pink.
(CUT-005) THE BORN LIARS 7" ep (Side A: "Go Back One Day", "Meet Me Downstairs"/ Side B: "Back Where I Belong") 500 copies on black vinyl, with have of the covers with an orange stripe and the other half with a blue stripe.
(CUT-003) THE BORN LIARS - "Exit Smiling" CD
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